
Dangau Atok Lalang : Minangkabau Local Traditional Drink and Food Lounge

Payakumbuh, - If you want to find a place for hangout with friends or relatives. There is Dangau Atok Lalang which is located on the Bypass Koto Rajo, Koto Nan Ampek, the city of Payakumbuh.

Here the customers are treated to a variety of drinks such as Kawa Original and "Niro Talua"  and are provided with a specific food from fried cassava or "Goreng Tongkang" .

This Dangau Atok Lalang is open 24 hours with most regular customers, such as foreign traveller, inter-provincial truck drivers, travel drivers, travelers and young people.

For those who have stopped by here, you will definitely experience the sensation of enjoying Kawa - a traditional drink made from dried coffee leaves. As a drinking comanion, this fried cassava is provided from a cassava ingredient called Fried Barge. This is the pleasure of drinking kawa, especially accompanied by friends or close people.

The owner of Dangau Atok Lalang, Arius (51) said that this shop has been open since 2014.

"I chose this stall roof from grass thatch to give the impression of traditional past that is identical to the menu that is served", he explained.

"The main thing is I made this bamboo building from bamboo to give a natural impression of the countryside," Arius said. "Please visit and enjoy our friendly and friendly service", invite the owner of Dangau Atok Lalang (*)